Nov 30, 2017
Paul Sean Hill, author, Leadership from the Mission Control Room to the Boardroom: A Guide to Unleashing Team Performance, says we become separated as we get promoted. He explains executives need to lead the company well or it has serious ramifications.
Nov 30, 2017
Jose Luis Blanco, associate partner, McKinsey & Co., looks to the future, and predicts three big trends including: widespread adoption of augmented reality and virtual reality for training, safety, and to check progress; robots doing some of the work, and also exoskeletons; and a shift to more of a...
Nov 30, 2017
Jose Luis Blanco, associate partner, McKinsey & Co., says construction is a very complicated environment and its needs a holistic way to manage projects better. The IoT is a way to enable that, and there are many examples of that.
Nov 30, 2017
Peggy Smedley gives an overview of what can be expected for IoT (Internet of Things) adoption in manufacturing. She says manufacturers are looking to introduce quality check points and automation and this leaves the door wide open for IoT solutions to improve operations and product quality.
Nov 21, 2017
Sean Wise, author, Startup Opportunities: Know When to Quit Your Day Job, breaks down preconceived notions about the difficulty of start-ups and getting ideas out to the masses. He explains how the days of venture capitalists are over, as new platforms allow entrepreneurs to directly relay ideas with customers and...