Aug 29, 2019
Peggy wraps up the final segment of the show with comments from the audience about regulatory barriers to standards, the next generation, and sustained AI R&D investment. She says the next generation is our future and we need to think about an action plan that takes the next generation into consideration.
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Aug 29, 2019
Peggy and Don Korfhage, president, SQUEAKS and IGear, chat about what drives manufacturing today and why results-driven communication is so important. He talks about the drivers of this transformation: both technology and cultural, citing the importance of recognizing the evolution of technology and that the...
Aug 29, 2019
Peggy digs into how AI (artificial intelligence) is changing the nature of work, saying that it will yield high economic benefits for the United States. She also highlights a new plan from NIST that identifies how the government needs to bolster AI standards. However, while it is a solid plan, she cautions that we need...
Aug 23, 2019
The challenge for businesses today is finding a great employee for the future. Peggy and Chad Storlie, author, Combat Leader to Corporate Leader and Battlefield to Business Success, retired Lieutenant Colonel, Special Forces, U.S. Army, talk about the unique skillsets of military veterans. He explains how they can help...
Aug 23, 2019
Peggy and Carlene Ileto, executive director, products and services delivery management office, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, talk about women in IT and the importance of failure.She also digs into how service centers are going high-tech today and that the efforts of reducing paper was a major effort at the IRS, but...